upcoming events

Notes and Floats <3

Tuesday, February 11 at 5 PM UTC in 1st floor, SU - Next to TechKnowledgy Bar

Serve and Solve: ACM Community's Trivia Night!

Thursday, February 13 at 1 AM UTC in HH 2.402

past events

ACM General Meering

ACM General Meering

Projects/Research Social

Projects/Research Social

Women’s History Month: STEM Panel

Women’s History Month: STEM Panel

past workshops

Personal Website Workshop

Learn how to make your very own personal website! Make a customizable portfolio website that showcases all your projects - and if you already have a personal website, learn how to integrate dark mode!


Game Engine Development Workshop Series

No matter your experience level, join the game engine development workshop series where we will be designing and writing our own game engine from scratch!


CS Essentials Workshop Series

Do you want to learn necessary programming skills which are not taught in class? Get a head start in your programming career by taking part in ACM's CS Essentials Bootcamp!
